Black Lives Matter Versus All lives Matter

Personally I agree with both sides of the statement and feel there shouldn't be a quarrel about this. I only have a problem with the agenda of the the organisation called BLACK LIVES MATTER. They seem to select the black lives that matter to them (blacks killed by whites, transgender, and feminism). And that's why I slightly lean towards those who insist on ALL LIVES MATTER including All black lives.
Personally I agree with both sides of the statement and feel there shouldn't be a quarrel about this. I only have a problem with the agenda of the the organisation called BLACK LIVES MATTER. They seem to select the black lives that matter to them (blacks killed by whites, transgender, and feminism). And that's why I slightly lean towards those who insist on ALL LIVES MATTER including All black lives.
Great direction of thinking. we might think of starting a campaign called All lives matter which involves every one as this could be one of the medium to instigate peace,love and unity among all.
Personally I agree with both sides of the statement and feel there shouldn't be a quarrel about this. I only have a problem with the agenda of the the organisation called BLACK LIVES MATTER. They seem to select the black lives that matter to them (blacks killed by whites, transgender, and feminism). And that's why I slightly lean towards those who insist on ALL LIVES MATTER including All black lives.
I agree with you on this
All Lives matter, it's not just black lives. Nonetheless, I think that this trend is brining a lot of positivity to the world although there is much work that still needs to be done. I'm looking forward to the day where there will be no discrimination regardless of your race, gender, disabilities, or sexual orientation.
The Crises of Black Lives matter i think will come to bring positive change to the world and how black men and women are treated. Our children will benefit too from this struggle.
Absolutely... What I don't enjoy as much about the struggle is the BLM organization politicizing black people's rage for personal gain and their selfish agenda.
In my opinion, there are only differences because people don’t understand the fundamental requests of this statement « BLACK LIVES MATTER ». This affirmation doesn’t seek to say that black lives matter more than others or that only black lives matter ! No...
It is only as a result of the unfairness lived by black people in this country and around the world. The simple fact that a white mother doesn’t have to worry about her son’s altercation with the police while every black parent must obligatorily train their children on how to react should raise everyone’s eyebrows. Every data in this country suggest that blacks aren’t treated in the same way as white peoples and so all that they demand and all that these black folks state is that their lives matter tooooo! That’s all.
Now, people could argue on the legitimacy of the BLM organization as a whole but that doesn’t matter anymore than realities. Those are just sideshows that distract from the main issue. It doesn’t Matter if they are manipulators, traitors or even powerful white supremacists at this point. All that matters is that it gives hope and brings change to this country. It always reminds me of what Catholics use in their religion as they state « Look not on the sin but the faith of your church ».
That’s my own thought on this.
« BLACK LIVES MATTER ». This affirmation doesn’t seek to say that black lives matter more than others or that only black lives matter ! No...
This and this again.

A black male born in America has a one in a thousand chance of being killed by a white cop. Imagine that! From birth your odds of death at the hands of law enforcement are higher than being killed by terrorism, mass shooting, traffic accident. That’s the burden on black lives.

The way understand black lives matter over all lives matter is to look at the Save the Rainforest campaign. No one EVER says let’s save ALL forests because it’s not all forests which are being devastated.

It’s not all lives which are being devastated.