The terminology in cricket is far less complex than the terminology thrown around in an American football game
Yeah, maybe. It’s not only the terminology that bothers me most but the rules too.
You see, in Baseball the pitcher is the guy who pitches but in cricket the pitch is a piece of ground and the pitcher is a bowler. Which, adds some complications because a bowler is someone who is trying to hit 10 pins with a big round 12#+ ball and drinks a lot of beer whilst doing it.
Now, are we talking about football or football? I mean, football here involves 2 teams who want a ball so badly that they are willing to nearly kill each other to have it when i know that everyone of those players can afford their own ball. I digress.
When a player does get the ball he tries to run it down field toward a goal unless he gets afraid someone is going to tackle him and then he can throw, or pitch, the ball to another player who has to be behind him which serves as the antithesis of the whole venture in the first place. Again, I digress dearly.
Okay, so when someone does get across the goal he doesn’t get just one point but he gets 6 which doesn’t make sense because it’s just one ball and one player so the most they should get is 2 points.
The overview would be that whomever gets the least amount of penalties wins but the game isn’t as good as when there’s a dozen or so technical fouls in which we find at least one player’s head sitting on the field sans his body.
If you mean Soccer, then we have peaceful players who can run for hours and just want to kick the ball with their heads (of all places) and their feet and can’t use their hands which brings up the question of ‘why did God give men hands if he can’t use them to play with a ball? (did I word that right? dunno).
Now, apart from the terminology, I find it most upsetting that it isn’t the players who are trying to kill each other but the people in the stands after the game is totally over.
The thing is, my understanding is that the fans do not get any points at all for killing each other and can even go to jail which make me wonder which one is playing the real game, the fans or the players?