Do you read reviews before buying a product?

I always read reviews to see what people think of a product because I think they have stopped me making some big mistakes in the past. I always leave my review for other people to read too. If the reviews are mixed I might buy but if they are all negative I certainly won't. How about you?
I'll read reviews and even if there is a lot of negative reviews sometimes I'll still buy the product because you can't really know unless you have it yourself. Most of the time with all the negative reviews on the product I thought the product was just fine.
I do a lot of online and offline research before I am buying something. However, this something should be a product that costs a lot of money and not a general product. For example, when I am buying a new phone, I read reviews online and offline, talk to other people who are using the phone. However, if I am buying a pair of jeans, I do not check the review and other things, I buy just because it looks good and fits me well.
Exactly the way I prefer to buy stuff online. I consider negative reviews as well as positive and then base my decision on those. Not all are going to be satisfied with something so I consider that , but when all reviews are negative, I give it a pass.