A Right-Wing Argument Against Environmentalism

Along with air pollution, water pollution is also crucial and is becoming dangerous day by day. Water is being polluted by chemicals, plastics., glass etc. and we can take some measures to reduce it as everything that we use and discard in our homes somehow find their way back to the oceans. So personally, at my level, I have stopped using commercially produced chemical cleaners and soaps. I use only natural,organic products sourced and made locally. This way I can ensure that very little or no chemicals are released from the drain of my home. I also segregate plastic and glass meticulously and give it to recyclers. I know it is not enough but at least I know I am trying.
Too much litter from the virus & people not being actual Human Beings. People not caring for their own bodies so they don't care for each other or the environment. I too use organic products or make my own. If we all do our part, we can go far. Best is to Rethink & Reduce so we don't have to Recycle.
Too much litter from the virus & people not being actual Human Beings. People not caring for their own bodies so they don't care for each other or the environment. I too use organic products or make my own. If we all do our part, we can go far. Best is to Rethink & Reduce so we don't have to Recycle.
I agree that there is too much litter being generated due to this epidemic. Two days ago, I went for a walk on a nearby hill after about a month or so, and already I saw many masks being thrown around :mad: It really annoyed me greatly, we are dealing with the epidemic created due to human negligence and still people won't learn from it at all.
I agree that there is too much litter being generated due to this epidemic. Two days ago, I went for a walk on a nearby hill after about a month or so, and already I saw many masks being thrown around :mad: It really annoyed me greatly, we are dealing with the epidemic created due to human negligence and still people won't learn from it at all.
I definitely hear you! I get so fed up. I push myself to be even more eco. Can't make up for their selfishness but I can feel like I have some control. I posted some of this in my forum as well to make people aware of the 'other side' to this virus.